Suggested Amendments to the United States Constitution.

Suggested Amendments to the United States Constitution.

By the way, copyrighted 2015 to 2022 by Wayne Mckellips. Last updated 12/02/2022. You have permission to print out, share, and duplicate or mirror this entire article. I expect to be updating it as time goes on. I think some of these might be better as laws vice amendments. Also, some of these are better viewed as thought ideas vice actual amendments or laws.
Amendment 28) As a nation we recognize and declare that we get our rights from the God of the Bible. We recognize no other God but the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, mentioned in the Bible. We recognize and declare that the Bible is the word of God. The Bible may be taught in public schools. Bible verses or Bible phrases from any of the 66 books currently recognized by both Catholics and Protestants as being part of the Bible may be displayed in public schools and in public and government locations. Prayer to the God of the Bible may be offered in public schools, and in public and government assemblies. People may use the name of Jesus when they pray to the God of the Bible in public schools, and in public and government assemblies. However, there will be no state or government church. Also no church will be elevated as being above another church or churches by the government. All people in this nation will be free to practice or not practice their religion or lack thereof, as they see fit.
Amendment 29) Since death is associated with the cessation of one's heart beat and brain function, and since an infant's heart is beating and its brain is functioning sometimes as early as 6 weeks after conception, we declare a fetus with a beating heart is legally a person with rights vice someone's property. We also recognize a fetus with a beating heart may very well possess its own eternal spirit by that time. We recognize that in some cases, as in tubal pregancies, etc., it may be necessary to remove a fetus who's heart is beating or else the mother would likely or certainly die. So, the removal of the baby from the mother may be done, whenever it appears to be necessary to abort the baby, in order to save the mother's physical life.
Amendment 30) As a nation we declare that from this point on marriage is between one man with (male genitalia(s) and one woman with (female genitalia(s). We are aware that a number of people are born intersexed and may have different external and internal (male and female) genitalia..
Amendment 31) We declare English to be the official language of the United States of America. All visual goverment voting ballets are to be in English only. Public schools may teach all their classes in English only, except for their foreign language classes. However, all people in this nation are free to communicate with each other in whatever language they desire to communicate in.
Amendment 32) The right of the people to keep and bear arms in their abodes and travels shall not be infringed upon by anyone including federal, state or local governments and or institutions. However, courthouses, jails, prisons, congressional facitities both federal and state, as well as the U.S. president's, and governers official residences may restrict the carrying of arms in their facilities. Private institutions and or individuals may restrict the carrying of arms on their property. However, the government, private institutions and or individuals may not restrict someone from carrying arms in their enclosed vehicle. The military may restrict the carrying of arms, even in someone's enclosed vehicle, on their property, bases, and vessels.
Amendment 33) Individuals shall be allowed to use and their doctors shall be allowed to prescribe drugs that have demonstrated safety and a likeihood of effectiveness for their illness or disease even though said drugs have not yet been approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration).
Amendment 34) All hospitals and health care providers and institutions shall have easily available to current or prospective patients or clients for free, their charges of all their routine procedures and or supplies, as well as prices of any procedures they are suggesting the patient undergo with them.
Amendment 35) Except for the exercise of Eminent Domain, no one's possessions or property shall be taken from them and given to any private or government entity until they have been found guilty of an applicable crime.
Amendment 36) No one's property shall be taken from them via Eminent Domain so it can be given to another private institution, organization, or person.
Amendment 37) From this time forward, an individual must be a citizen of the United States of America in order to buy land or real estate property in the United States of America. Corporations or organizations must at the time of purchase be majority owned by citizens of the United States of America to buy land or real estate in the United States of America.
Amendment 38) Congress cannot delegate its ability to make federal laws and or establish penalties to any other institution. If so desired, institutions congress has established, can submit proposed laws and consequences to congress to act on as congress sees fit. This amendment shall take effect one year after it has been ratified.
Amendment 39) Presidential reprives or pardons will not become effective until 30 days after issuance. During that 30 day time period, congress can override any presidential reprive or pardon by a 2/3 vote of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Amendment 40) Any federal judge including a supreme court judge may be removed from office for mental incompetence, or dereliction of duty, or violating the constitution of the United States, by a 2/3 vote of both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
Amendment 41) All future public roads for use by the public shall be built and maintained either directly or indirectly by the government not a private entity and not by a public private partnership.
Amendment 42) Vaccinations shall not knowingly contain any adjuvant like Mercury, Aluminum, polysorbate-80, or Nagalase (alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase).
Amendment 43) The government shall not be able to conficate anyone's property or money until they have been convicted of a crime which reasonably infers they got said money or property from the crime or crimes they have been convicted of.
Amendment 44) The government, religious institutions, and or organizations, shall be able to house the homeless in small homes, portable shelters or tents on land they control or own. However, the government may establish applicable rules and or regulations for safety and or sanitation.
Amendment 45) Torture, including waterboarding shall not be inflicted on citizens of the United States, or our enemies, or prisoners.
Amendment 46) People shall have the right to home school their children or to send them to public or private schools as they desire. They do not have to have any special degree or official training to home school their children. However, the government can require home schooled children to take in a proctored setting, near where they live, for free, a test other students in the same grade or age group must pass to proceed to the next grade. Failure of the test could result in the parent losing the ability to home school their child the coming year.
Amendment 47) Any laws congress passes shall apply to themselves, as well as the people of the United States of America.
Amendment 48) Bids to do public roads, and or buildings shall consider the longevity of the finished product, as well as trustworthiness, reliability, cost.
Amendment 49) Parents shall be the primary ones responsible for and empowered to make decisions considering the raising of their children up to the age of 18 or adulthood. However, it shall be illegal for parents to permanently hurt or permanently injure their children physically, mentally, or emotionally.
Amendment 50) It shall be illegal to conduct experiments on citizens or military personnel, that could injure them, without their informed and signed consent.
Amendment 51) Genes found in nature cannot be patented, and any patents already issued for such genes shall be null and void.
Amendment 52) Usury, that is interest rates above 12% per year shall be illegal.
Amendment 53) The health and wellbeing of humans shall take presidence over the health and or wellbeing of animals and or plants.
Amendment 54) It shall be illegal for anyone including social workers to lie when under oath.
Amendment 55) United States citizens, doing a job in the United States, shall not be displaced by foreigners. United States citizens willing, able, and qualified to do a job, in the United States, shall be hired before foreigners.
Amendment 56) Corporations shall consider the health and well being of all people but primarily the citizens of the United States of America and not just the profit of the corporation.
Amendment 57) A designated bearer may turn in absentee ballots for no more than two voters per state or federal election.
Amendment 58) Upon serving and or satisfying all the penalties for their crime or crimes, all ex-convicts shall have their right to vote restored.
Amendment 59) Prisoners shall not be kept in solitary confinement for longer than reasonably necessary for their health and or safety and or the health and or safety of others.
Amendment 60) Prisoners shall not be charged for their incarceration or keep.
Amendment 61) All prisons and or jails shall be ran only by the government, not by a private company. All prisoners shall be treated with respect.
Amendment 62) The goal of punishment of criminals shall be rehabilation and if reasonably possible a return to society as productive citizens. The safety of the people of the United States shall be taken into account when considering the return of convicts to society. If congress so desires they can institute capital punishment for specific crimes as long as the courts determine there is no question as to the defendent's guilt.
Amendment 63) No one shall be asked if they are an ex-convict on their initial application for employment.
Amendment 64) No one's driving license shall be suspended or revolked just because they were convicted of a crime, unless their conviction was directly related to their personal use of a vehicle.
Amendment 65) With the exception of an immediate and present specific disease attacking an individual like rabies, a vaccination for those reasonably suppected of probably or certainly being infected by a specific disease, for those under their care, any parent or Guardian may allow or refuse any or all vaccinations for their children or those under their care without any penalities to them or their children.
Amendment 66) Medicine makers and or vaccine makers shall not be immune from being sued.
Amendment 67) Fillings for teeth shall not knowingly contain any Mercury.
Amendment 68) Anyone serving in our military can use whatever reasonable force is necessary, including lethal force, to stop a forceable rape.
Amendment 69) Individuals shall be able to receive nonallopathic treatments as well as allopathic treatments for any diseases they may have or the preventative treatment of diseases whether approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration)or AMA (American Medical Association) or not, as long as said treatments have been shown to generally speaking not be harmful. This shall include but not be limited to chiropractic adjustments, foods, herbs, homopathic preparations, prayer, energy healings, special frequencies, normal and specially prepared colostrum, Transfer Factors from colostrum, a person's stem cells, acupuncture, dry needling, and electrical stimulation.
Amendment 70) No one shall be incarcerated because they are finacially unable to pay a bill, fee, fine, or penalty. However, reasonable monetary bail shall be permitted in order to help ensure the attendance of a charged individual at their court appearances.
Amendment 71) The government of the United States shall not be involved in any way in helping to facilitate the transformation of a person from male to female or from female to male.
Amendment 72) Law enforement can use technology to track and or pinpoint the location of an electronic device without having to obtain a court order.
Amendment 73) A person with female genitalia shall have the right to use a public female bathroom without the danger that a person with only male genitalia could legally walk in on them. A person with male genitalia shall have the right to use a public male bathroom without the danger that a person with only female genitalia could legally walk in on them.
Amendment 74) A defendant being held in custody for a misdemeanor or a felony must be brought before a judge for arraignment within 48 hours of his or her arrest, excluding Sundays and holidays.
Amendment 75) A defendant being held in custody on a misdemeanor charge, is entitled to a trail date no later than 45 days following the date they were arraigned or entered a plea, whichever is later. If they are not being held in custody, the court must set trail within 120 days following their arraignment or plea. If they desire, a defendant can wave their right to a speedy trail.
Amendment 76) A defendant being held in custody on a felony charge, is entitled to a trail date no later than 120 days following the date they were arraigned or entered a plea, whichever is later. If they are not being held in custody, the court must set trail within 180 days following their arraignment or plea. If they desire a defendant can wave their right to a speedy trail.
Amendment 78) All national and or state elections shall be on physical hard copy ballets on which their choice is not punched out and which cannot be electronically changed at any point in time and every cast ballet shall be retained for at least one year in case there needs to be a recount or investigation.
Amendment 79) All voters in a national and or election must present a government issued identification card which includes their picture and assurances of their United States citizenship. This card must be issued to them at taxpayer expense but the expense of obtaining any documents to issue this card shall be the individual person's responsibility.
Amendment 80) It shall be legal to refuse to perform abortions, sexual reassignment surgery, and or homosexual confirmation counseling. It shall be legal to offer and provide counseling to individuals who have unwanted homosexual desires and or actions for those who want said desires and or actions to stop.
Amendment 81) Foods and herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat and cure diseases. Therefore truthfully saying a certain food or herb is useful in treating or curing a disease does not make it a medicine or a crime.
Amendment 82) Some vitamins and minerals or supplements are useful in treating diseases. Therefore truthfully saying a certain vitamin or mineral or supplement is useful in treating a disease does not make it a medicine or crime.
Amendment 83) It shall be illegal to perform sexual reassignment surgery, or sexual reassignment hormone therapy on children under 18 years or age.
Amendment 84) All amendments to the Constitution of the United States shall apply to all local and state governments in the United States as well as the United States Federal Government.
Amendment 85) People shall be allowed to rest or sleep in a vehicle they own or rent as long as it is legally parked on public land or private land they own or private land they are permitted by the owner to park on.
Amendment 86) We recognize Small Pox was defeated world wide by insufflation, variolation and finally vaccinations, at first using the milder Cow Pox. All three methods used to defeat Small Pox caused a mild response by the immune system. However, today adjuvants are used to cause a tremendous respond by the immune system. Also young children are usually vaccinated with more and more multiple vaccinations at the same time. It is very possible this results in some of a person's small capillaries being flooded and then clogged with antibodies. Resulting in severe often permanent damage to different parts of their brain, brain stem, and different nerves due to oxygen being unable to get through the clogged small capillaries. The number of children with autism has exploded. Thus, vaccinations should only be given one at a time. They should be spaced out say at least a month apart. It would probably be better if vaccinations did not contain an adjuvant. Newborns are normally better protected from diseases by consuming colostrum with its accompanying Transfer Factors that the donating mammaliam mother, or her mammary gland was exposed to, vice a vaccination.
Amendment 87) We recognize that estrogen like endocrine disrupting chemicals are increasing in our liquid consumption and water supply and are increasingly affecting the ability of our young people to successfully reproduce. Therefore we acknowledge the need for laws to strongly limit or eliminate endocrine disrupting chemicals in our water supplies and in plastics that hold our consumable liquids.
Amendment 88) We recognize that companies conducting their own research to verify the need and trustworthiness of their medicines may have a motivation to tilt the results of their research in favor of their companies for money reasons. Therefore, we encourage the government to also independently analyze said companies research and research results. We also encourage the government to fund and conduct new research where it seems to be scientifically warranted.

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